Launch Global Education
Odyssey newsletter: hybrid . hard work . sportsmanship
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Volume 1, Issue 13

by Michael Wagner

Knowledge Pilot, Launch Global Education

As the 2022-2023 school year begins, there is so much that students must do to prepare. The back-to-school sales ads are everywhere and for many, it is all about what to wear on the first day. I had a friend post a message on Facebook that while driving his “youngest’ to a soccer game, she was explaining during the ride every outfit she would wear for the entire first week! As much as I can appreciate the importance of that decision, my hope for students in their preparations for the upcoming school year is that they are also placing as much emphasis on how they will be successful in the classroom.

This week in the Odyssey Newsletter there is a theme of developing the skill of hard work. It is instrumental to success no matter what one is doing. Please enjoy this week’s articles and as always, share the newsletter with a different friend or colleague and invite them to be part of the LGE community. We welcome all new members as our friends.


online classroom on laptop

More students contemplating the value of attending college

There is a growing concern with students regarding the cost of higher education and the return on their investment. Is it worth it? Arrman Kyaw of Diverse Issues in Higher Education shares the results of a recent study of 1,025 student respondents expressing their opinions on what is next.

Study Investigates High School Student Attitudes About Higher Ed

The value of hard work

There is a continuing debate among secondary educators about the amount of pressure placed upon students taking rigorous Advanced Placement (AP) classes. These classes are designed with a college level curriculum that helps students experience what a college level course will feel like. The courses culminate with a comprehensive exam at the end of the school year. Washington Post educational journalist Jay Mathews shares his perspective on the recent data released on the AP program by College Board on the advantages students gain from committing early to taking the AP exam.

Should we be easy on students after the pandemic? Maybe not.

A change is coming. Are universities ready?

Over the past two years, education went through a transformation that had never been experienced before. Now, are universities prepared for a new form of education transformation? Rebecca Koenig of EdSurge addresses the question.

Is Higher Ed Really Ready to Embrace Hybrid Learning?

Giving everyone a break could be a good thing

A radical movement is gaining traction in the world of education: operating four days a week versus five. What? The concept of moving to a new shorter school schedule is studied by Professor Paul Thompson at Oregon State University and he shares his insight in a recent article published by Nimah Gobir, writer and producer of Mindshift – KQED.

Why more schools are considering a 4-day week despite some drawbacks

Tip of the week

Open 24 hours sign