college applications

Sparks blog: Understanding Campus Services

by Mr. Michael Wagner To begin When a student is living at home and going to high school, let’s face…

2 years ago

Odyssey newsletter: need . productivity . gratitude

Volume 1  Issue 27  by Michael Wagner  Knowledge Pilot, Launch Global Education For many students around the world, the coming…

2 years ago

Odyssey newsletter: silver . agriculture . moose

Volume 1  Issue 25  by Michael Wagner  Knowledge Pilot, Launch Global Education This week’s Odyssey newsletter is very special, as…

2 years ago

Sparks blog: Understanding the SAT Exam, Part 2

by Mr. Michael Wagner In part one of this blog post The SAT exam: understanding what it means, we looked…

2 years ago

Odyssey newsletter: ROI . deadlines . basketball

Volume 1, Issue 24 by Michael Wagner Knowledge Pilot, Launch Global Education Welcome to this week’s Odyssey Newsletter. It is…

2 years ago

Sparks blog: Understanding the SAT Exam, Part 1

by Mr. Michael Wagner When it comes to the college going process there is probably no topic that gets as…

2 years ago

Sparks blog: Do I need to choose a minor?

by Mr. Michael Wagner When students enter college there are so many decisions to make. Where are you going to…

2 years ago

Odyssey newsletter: proofread . tech . focus

Volume 1, Issue 20 by Michael Wagner Knowledge Pilot, Launch Global Education We have entered the period of the school…

2 years ago

Odyssey newsletter: horses . habits . HBCUs

Volume 1, Issue 19 by Michael Wagner Knowledge Pilot, Launch Global Education With the college application season is in full…

2 years ago

Sparks blog: Reach, Fit, Safety

by Mr. Michael Wagner One of the first and most important steps for a student in the college application process…

2 years ago

Odyssey newsletter: rankings . mindset . vote

Volume 1, Issue 18 by Michael Wagner Knowledge Pilot, Launch Global Education Around this time of year there is a…

2 years ago

Sparks blog: The application season: Stressful or exciting?

by Mr. Michael Wagner There is a common occurrence I see with juniors right at the end of the school…

2 years ago