Supporting the College-Bound Student

Launch Global Education’s Sparks blog, featuring information for parents on supporting their college-bound children.

Sparks blog: Why hire an independent college counselor?

by Mr. Michael Wagner Navigating the complex landscape of college admissions can be a daunting task, filled with stress and…

11 months ago

Sparks blog: Supporting your Child’s Independent Project

by Dr. Ann Wagner Developing an independent project can be one of many ways that students can distinguish themselves as…

2 years ago

Sparks blog: Where do you learn best?

by  Dr. Ann Wagner There is no shortage of advice for students when it comes to how they should be…

2 years ago

Sparks blog: When your child leaves home for college

Preparing for the empty nest by  Dr. Ann Wagner It is an exciting time of year for many families—getting ready…

2 years ago

What is the college application timeline? It’s complicated.

by  Mr. Michael Wagner The most common first question I get from parents is:When does my child start the application…

2 years ago

Sparks blog: Best or different?

Why trying to be the best is a losing strategy by  Dr. Ann Wagner Competition.  It frames so many things…

2 years ago

Sparks blog: It is time to shift

Learn to take the supporting role in your child's educational journey by Dr. Ann Wagner You have taken the lead…

2 years ago