Future Visioning

Sparks blog: The Advantage of a Global Perspective

by Dr. Ann Wagner In an increasingly interconnected world, high school students can find immense value in expanding their horizons…

1 year ago

Sparks blog: Using Design Thinking in the College Process, Part Three: College List

by Dr. Ann Wagner In part of three of our series on Design Thinking in the college process, we will…

2 years ago

Sparks blog: Using Design Thinking in the College Process, Part Two: Careers and Majors

by Dr. Ann Wagner Last week we gave a general overview of Design Thinking and how you can use it…

2 years ago

Sparks blog: <strong>Using Design Thinking in the College Process, Part One</strong>

by Dr. Ann Wagner You have probably heard of Design Thinking. It is often attributed to Stanford University, and the…

2 years ago

Sparks blog: What’s Your Vision?

by Dr. Ann Wagner Imagine your life in a year.  In five years. In twenty-five years.  What things will be…

3 years ago