Odyssey Newsletter

Odyssey newsletter: recommendations . affordability . bears

Volume 2  Issue 9

 by Michael Wagner

 Knowledge Pilot, Launch Global Education

It is hard sometimes to narrow down the selections from week to week for the Odyssey Newsletter! One topic that is getting a lot of attention is how colleges and universities have focused on meeting the needs of students with emotional support. Another trending topic is the exploration of ways of reducing the time spent in college from four years to three to assist students with the cost of an education. Because these topics are of great concern to students and families, they meet our criteria for inclusion as we seek to share important and timely topics from the post-secondary world with our readers.

Always remember that if there are topics of interest that you would like to know more about, send us an email and we will do our best to report on it and keep you informed.

Happy reading.


Students look for more emotional support

Stress and anxiety have always been a part of college and the college going process. However, the pandemic exacerbated the mental health needs of college students and it continues to be a point of emphasis for colleges and universities. Courtney Browne of the Lumina Foundation reports that survey data suggests that still more support is needed to help college students deal with the stresses of college life.

More progress urgently needed as colleges work to reduce student stress

A new approach to attract adults to college

Over the past few years, there have been fewer adults pursuing a post-secondary degree. The majority of the discussion around this is focused on the cost of a college education; however, there may be an additional barrier that receives less attention that centers on language of delivery. In a recent Los Angeles Times finding, reporters Debbie Truong, Selene Rivera, Jeong Park reported that Los Angeles area community colleges are now offering degree programs with all classes being taught in Spanish.

A 'game changer' for immigrants: Job-ready college classes in their native language

Three is the new four

With the skyrocketing cost of a college education and the questioning of whether a degree is worth the cost, it may be time to rethink the decades old model of the 4-year degree. Countries outside the of United States have similar models that only require students to attend college for three years, often utilizing an apprenticeship program. Josh Moody of Inside Higher Ed explores the possibility that a change maybe on the horizon.

The push for a 3-year bachelor’s degree

Tip of the Week

It is out of your control: So begin now 

There is a part of the college application process that for one reason or another, always seems to get ignored, not because students procrastinate, but because it is an aspect of the process out of their control: securing required letters of recommendation for their applications.

Because students do not have total control over recommendation letters, there are times when acquiring a letter from a teacher or counselor drags on and on. The scenario goes something like this: a student asks a teacher for the letter and the teacher graciously agrees to supply the letter. Days turn into a week or longer, and the student does not receive notice that the teacher has completed the letter, nor has it been sent to the counselor. Now the students find themselves in the awkward position of having to follow up with teachers to ask about letters once again. Usually, a teacher will state that they have been very busy and they will promise to get to it as soon as possible. Occasionally, the student will once again find themselves waiting for a long period to receive the letter. The student is not in control.

Nothing against teachers or counselors, they are busy with many demands in their days and sometimes letters of recommendation get pushed to the side. And many students wait until the deadlines are looming and teachers become swamped with requests. That is why I encourage students to begin to have conversations with their school counselor and teachers now to begin the process with plenty of time before the school year concludes. This is the best way for students to gain some control of an uncontrollable aspect of their applications and should allow students to have that aspect of their application requirements completed before the end of 11th grade.

Before you go...

Bear enjoys the simple pleasures of life

Sometimes after I hear a story or see a picture or a video I think, how did this particular situation happen? That is exactly what occurred when I saw the following video. I will just leave it at that as to not give it away! The story is reported by Stephanie Weaver, a television host and digital reporter at FOX TV and LiveNOW from FOX Los Angeles.

That’s the spot


Time sure flies by when you’re having fun. It is hard to believe that the 2022-2023 school year is for many within the last few closing weeks. It has been a school year that finally resembled some normalcy after the challenges of the pandemic and virtual learning.

Within these final weeks I always advise students to control the something they can control – finishing the school year as strongly as possible. This includes finishing up extra-curricular activities, journalling remaining activities in preparation for writing essays over the summer, and last, but certainly not least, getting the best possible grades to finalize the transcript that will be used in the fall college application process.

The coming days will pass at a fast and furious pace, stay dedicated.

We hope you enjoyed this week’s issue. Seize the week.

Mr. Mike

Michael Wagner, MAED is a founder and the Knowledge Pilot for Launch Education.  Mr. Mike has assisted hundreds of students around the world on their college pathways.


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