
Odyssey newsletter: reinvention . rankings . Rutgers

Volume 1, Issue 9

by Michael Wagner

Knowledge Pilot, Launch Global Education

One always thinks that because school comes to a screeching halt for the summer that the corresponding academia news will do the same. However, that is not true. There is a lot of news on new ways education is being offered and the increased availability of digital services. This week’s highlights are good examples of the wide variety of educational topics being covered.

Remember, this newsletter is to benefit the growing Launch Global Education community. If you like what you read, please, pass it along to others. Have a good week.


Data is driving everything, even a possible change in math

As technology advancements continue to multiply, it seems everything is up for retooling and optimization. Yet when it comes to math, we continue to follow a long-established academic curriculum. Until now. Education Next author Steven D. Levitt and Jeffrey Severts write about transforming math education into Data Literacy learning for students and why it is important.

Every Student Needs 21st-Century Data-Literacy Skills

Was it the Great Resignation or was it the Great Reinvention?

It seems we cannot get through an issue of this newsletter without in some way touching upon the impacts of the pandemic. One issue that has dominated the headlines has been the attitude change in the workforce and the new hybrid approach to the workplace. At the same time, people have also been taking a fresh look at their careers. It’s been dubbed the great resignation, but is it that, or are people looking for an opportunity to pivot and make it their great reinvention? NPR journalist Rachel Treisman highlights five individuals that reevaluated their careers and seized the opportunity to reinvent themselves.

The pandemic pushed people to reevaluate their jobs. Meet 5 who reinvented themselves

The micro credential trend is not going away; in fact, it is growing

Yes, this is another article regarding micro credentialing. No, it is not an article from a prior issue. The range of micro credentials being offered continues to grow and diversify. We continue to highlight this academic pathway because there are abundant ways in which micro credentialing can aid students in college and career readiness. Journalists Alejandro Caballero, Sean Gallagher, Hanne Shapiro and Holly Zanville of University World News explore the learning movement.

Microcredentials: A new category of education is rising

Rankings, don’t get me started

Those that know me and my college advising philosophy know that I am not a fan of rankings. Recent news headlines spotlighting multiple colleges/universities accused of manipulating and/or misreporting information is placing the rating agencies in peril and is a black eye on the industry. It is for this very reason that I always advise students/families to steer clear of placing too much emphasis on rankings instead of concentrating on the right fit. The following two articles from Jeremy Bauer-Wolf of Higher Ed Dive and Stephanie Hughes from Marketplace dive into the topic.

10 colleges, including Columbia, now kicked off current U.S. News rankings

What role should college rankings play in choosing a school?

Tip of the week

For our U.S.-based readers, this week a nationwide hotline number was launched specifically for mental health emergencies.  As Lindsey Tanner of SF Gate reports, similar to the 911 emergency line for police, firefighter, and paramedic emergencies, the new 988 line will assist those with mental health emergencies. Our tip: add it to your contacts and encourage others to do the same.  You could just save a life.

New 988 hotline is the 911 for mental health emergencies

Before you go...

It is very rare that college presidents will take time to conduct interviews but when they do it is always a treat to hear their thoughts and visions regarding post-secondary education. On a segment of Up Close on WABC News, host Bill Ritter has a discussion with Rutgers University President, Dr. Jonathan Holloway.

Up Close: Rutgers president discusses current state of higher education                   

A bonus article by Sergio Pecanha of The Washington Post……..It’s out of this world.

I just had to; it is so cool. Take a look.

Carina Nebula

Take care.



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