
Odyssey newsletter: persistence . procrastination . time

Volume 1, Issue 7

by Michael Wagner

Knowledge Pilot, Launch Global Education

When this time of year rolls around it is so hard to believe that another school year has passed by. It always seems like it just started and just like that (snap of the fingers) the end is here. It really does make one think; where does time go? Why does it always feel it goes so fast?


The Odyssey newsletter this week speaks a little to the concept of time. Once again, you will read about the wisdom of the infamous basketball coach John Wooden. And for all of the procrastinators you will get the opportunity to hear a very moving presentation from Peter Sage about the topic. It will be a very worthwhile 18 minutes of your time to hear his take on the meaning of procrastination.


As with each and every week, we produce the Odyssey newsletter for our online community with a variety of topics that span the world of education. In addition, we like to add some advice or suggestions that we hope will help you live a better and more fulfilled life. We hope you enjoy every issue and please remember; pass it along to friends in your circle of influence and help us grow the Launch community.


More options for students—a good thing

If trying to navigate the college-going process was not hard enough, attending community college and trying to transfer is even more of a challenge. The transfer system was difficult for students before the pandemic, and it has proven even more difficult since. Featured on NBC News, Jon Marcus, Higher Education Editor at The Hechinger Report, shares that there is a new, innovative way to accomplish the transfer process that will provide hope to more students.

There's a new way to help college students transfer: Admit them to two schools at once

Students are demonstrating persistence, but not as much as colleges would like

When colleges and universities analyze admissions and enrollment data, one of the key areas they focus on is the rate of students returning to campuses—known as a student’s persistence. A recent report from Laura Spitalniak, Associate Editor for the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center looks at the current trends as colleges and universities begin to return to the new normal.

Persistence rates rose last fall but didn’t reach pre-pandemic levels, report finds

Covid kids and hybrid learning

When the pandemic started there was a large disruption to the education world. Without the traditional classroom environment, students and teachers were now interacting via computer screens and using a variety of online digital resources. Students, teachers, and parents all struggled at first; however, as time has passed the discomfort and frustration have been replaced by a look at the positives of hybrid learning. K-12 Dive highlights a recent report by Instructure, and Hanover Research showing the data speaks volumes as to the change in attitude by educators and parents.

Survey: Educators, parents see value in hybrid learning

It depends on what matters the most

When students look at what they want to do when they grow up, the first thing they often consider is how much money they can make, contemplating majors and careers that will provide a specific lifestyle (I hope, however, that students will choose something they are also passionate about). Aarthi Swaminathan of MarketWatch points out why business majors have such a draw.

These business majors have the highest ‘return on investment’ — with college graduates earning up to $165,000 a year

Tip of the week

One of the most precious assets we possess is time. We all have 24 hours a day and we each choose what to do with those hours. It is important for young adults to understand time management and to develop successful habits that will aid them in their pursuit of a meaningful, purposeful, and impactful life. One of those habits is to always be the best person you can be. Again, I reference the great basketball coach, Mr. John Wooden, and his approach to time as shared by grandson-in-law, Craig Impelman. Enjoy!

The Best Way to Use Your Time

Before you go...

It is common to want to improve ourselves, grow as people, and always strive to do our best. But we all experience those roadblocks that somehow get in the way, simply said – we procrastinate. In this recent video, Peter Sage provides an in-depth and powerful explanation of procrastination. Peter Sage is an international serial entrepreneur and subject matter expert in human behavior and self-mastery. (Source: https://www.petersage.com) Watch his message, it just might help you and may even change your life.

How To Beat Procrastination and Achieve Ultimate Self-Mastery

Have a wonderful week. If you have enjoyed the Odyssey newsletter, please share it with your friends. Thank you for being a member of the Launch Global Education community.


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