
Odyssey newsletter: goals . light . blur

Volume 1, Issue 6

by Michael Wagner

Knowledge Pilot, Launch Global Education


Over the past few days, it has become obvious that most of my students are not physically attending school. I know this because my engagement numbers are way down. It got me wondering, what are they doing?

I had already shared with many of them the importance of not wasting the summer. I guess you could say in this sixth issue of the Odyssey newsletter there are two tips of the week. The first tip of the week is to make the summer productive—trust me, colleges and universities will notice on college applications when the time comes. The second tip of the week will follow later in this newsletter.

As always, we thank you for reading the Odyssey Newsletter. Please remember, we welcome and encourage your participation. A terrific way to participate is to forward this newsletter to a friend and ask them to give it a look. Who knows, they may get hooked.



Clear change could be coming, call it the Big Blur

Some topics are discussed over and over in education. A big one is finding ways to change the antiquated, long-standing traditional way children are educated. According to this recent article by digital news producer Javeria Salman of The Hechinger Report, a new movement is being discussed. Though the title may not indicate it, the message is clear.

Blurring the lines between education and workforce

To shed some light

For the past four years, my wife and I have been working internationally. We have worked in the countries of China, Cambodia, and Ethiopia. During this time, we have seen a wide variety of challenges that many students face. Things many of us take for granted are critical challenges for others. In this article in the University World News, Africa Edition, Peter Mucanga outlines the challenges some students are having attending a university in Burundi.

Too dark for us to study, say students amid power failures

What have we learned, if anything?

As pandemic restrictions wind down and as the school year ends for many, researchers are looking back on the effects of the pandemic on education. Cory Turner of NPR discusses new research from the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University and six topics related to educational disruptions from the pandemic.

6 things we've learned about how the pandemic disrupted learning

It only takes one and others may follow

On Tuesday, June 21st an announcement was made from Dartmouth College stating that beginning in the Summer of 2022, the university will eliminate loans from the financial aid packages of their students. This is a HUGE announcement in the world of college financial aid. Ayana Archie of NPR reports on what this means not only for the students of Dartmouth but on the message it sends to college financial aid offices across the U.S.


Dartmouth College is eliminating loans from its financial aid packages

Tip of the week

As I stated earlier, I advise students to make their summers as productive as possible. Summer can, and should be, a time of creating and participating in activities that are meaningful, purposeful, and impactful.

One of the ways I recommend getting started is by setting a goal. Goals help keep a focus on the task at hand and will hopefully cut down on procrastination. The best and most structured way I recommend is using the SMART goal system. These are the key components of a SMART goal:


S          Specific – The goal should be specific

M        Measurable – The goal should be able to be tracked and monitored

A         Attainable – The goal should be achievable, one that can be reached

R         Relevant – The goal should be realistic

T         Time-based – The goal should be connected to a deadline of completion


When you think about something you want to achieve, make sure you have refined it to fit within these components. Here is an example. If you have a goal to read more this summer, you could make it a SMART goal by saying: I want to read four science fiction novels by the end of August.

Give it a try. Think of an activity (or two or three) you want to do this summer and use the SMART system. There is no better time to get started than now. Remember, you can never regain lost time.

I will close with one of my favorite sayings: do one thing each day that moves you closer to your goal.

Before you go...

When we see news stories about world events, it is common for many of us to think that as individuals we cannot make a difference. It is stories like this one that remind young adults that just because they are kids, it does not mean that cannot make a difference in the world. Watch this Denver7 – The Denver Channel YouTube video and you will see what I mean.

It is such a feel-good story. Way to go Amalei.

Castle Rock 12-year-old sells bracelets for Ukrainian frontlines


Have a great week. Again, thanks for being a member of the Launch Global Education community. Go out and make a difference.


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